Jesus Nailed my Foot!

It was the rainy season in Miami, and while my orchids just love this weather, I do not! I took advantage of a sunny Saturday morning to clean up my backyard, which was full of debris and leaves from the rains. I was really getting into the sweeping when suddenly I felt this pain in my foot. I lifted it up and saw I had stepped on a very rusted nail sticking out from an old piece of wood. There was blood everywhere. Thank God my dog, Ramses was standing right there and I held on to him to keep my balance!

I hopped to the sliding door like a rabbit running from a wolf, and hopped to my son’s room and told him “Wake up! You’ve got to take me to the hospital! I stepped on a rusted nail!” As I cleaned my wound in the bathroom I told my son “Why couldn’t you clean up that mess you made out there? Look what happened now!”.

When I got to the ER, I stood in front of the receptionist desk in a position that resembled a Flamingo, minus the pink. She ignored the fact I was standing on one leg, in pain and getting mad. I prayed the Holy Ghost would shut my mouth! I politely said “What do I do?” She indicated a clipboard for me to sign.

I was immediately seen and sat in a waiting room. My foot was throbbing with pain, and I propped it up on a chair, wondering why this happened to me! There goes my pedicure appointment on Monday!

A young man came and sat next to me. I saw he was reading a tract, and praying to himself. “What church you go to?” I asked. Well, that started a whole conversation with Javier. He said he was looking for God. I felt the Holy Ghost so strong, I looked Javier straight in the eye and said “God let me step on a nail because He knew you would be here!” Javier told us that he was raised in a conservative Pentecostal church. He didn’t like the churches he visited because they looked like they are in clubs. I told him he was going to love our church!

My son, Marcus talked to him for awhile, inviting him to our church. Javier has never missed a service since that day, and on July 13, 2005 was baptized in the lovely name of Jesus!

I bought Javier a Bible and the dedication says “When you look at a nail, think of me that I pray for you everyday!” The pain in my foot was worth it all.

I was tempted to buy a box of nails and spread them all over my backyard! You never know! Ro 8:28 . . . all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Sis. Romero attends Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Nueva Vida in Miami, Florida

Author: Jay Jones

Jay is an author, veteran church planter, speaker, and the pastor of the Pentecostals of Kentwood. He's a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, pastor, and a ‘pretty good guy’. Jay is also an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church, where he currently serves as a Presbyter in West Michigan.

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