How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

Many people believe the Bible condemns judging others, but is this true? The Bible has much to say on this subject, and often in a positive light. Everyone Judges In a practical sense, we judge every day. Every one of us. Who decides if a rapist is wrong? A murderer? Is it wrong to make an informed judgment about whether a person should care for your children, have a key to your home, or be alone with your spouse? Is it wrong to judge...

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In (defense of) the name of Jesus

In (defense of) the name of Jesus

Allow me to share (expose) the falsehood of the ridiculous claim that the name Jesus is Pagan, and that using the name Jesus instead of Yeshua, is wrong (and don’t get me started on the demand to use the name Yah-shua that exists nowhere in scripture at all). I’ve grown weary of seeing well-intentioned people led astray into Judaism by Judaizers (those that would lead Christians back into the rigors of the Old Testament...

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Peace in the Apostolic Home

Peace in the Apostolic Home

The Bible is replete with lessons that teach us the proper way to treat others and conduct ourselves in personal relationships. Among the most important of these teachings is that our associations and dealings with others should exist within the boundaries and confines of peace. This biblical principle is general in nature and not specifically directed to the relationship between husbands and wives or immediate family members....

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Scripture declares, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalms 133:1). Unity is a vital concept in God’s Word. It is the Lord’s intention and expectation that there be unity in the church. Unity is the state of being one. To have unity is to have harmony and peace. It is the absence of rivalry, division, and discord. Only when the church has unity is it able to experience revival...

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The Truth of the Fruit

“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit…Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:17-20). The above statements told by Jesus are very simple to comprehend on a physical level. However, He was presenting the “fruit test” as an analogy to convey spiritual...

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Introduction The gift of the Holy Spirit has become the topic of much discussion in our day. Men and women of all persuasions and from all walks of life have become interested enough to search for greater understanding of this phenomenal spiritual experience. Capturing headlines, dominating the content of many religious periodicals, and generally creating excitement, this canon of apostolic faith deserves a sincere appraisal. The...

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