How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

Many people believe the Bible condemns judging others, but is this true? The Bible has much to say on this subject, and often in a positive light. Everyone Judges In a practical sense, we judge every day. Every one of us. Who decides if a rapist is wrong? A murderer? Is it wrong to make an informed judgment about whether a person should care for your children, have a key to your home, or be alone with your spouse? Is it wrong to judge...

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Peace in the Apostolic Home

Peace in the Apostolic Home

The Bible is replete with lessons that teach us the proper way to treat others and conduct ourselves in personal relationships. Among the most important of these teachings is that our associations and dealings with others should exist within the boundaries and confines of peace. This biblical principle is general in nature and not specifically directed to the relationship between husbands and wives or immediate family members....

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Managing Stress In Marriage

Managing Stress In Marriage

Most people are aware of the injurious personal costs of stress – those that harm the individual. However, we often do not consider the destructive interpersonal consequences – those that damage our relationships. Concerning marriage, the effects of stress can certainly present many difficult challenges. But, your marriage can survive – and even thrive – despite encountering stress if you learn to manage it properly. Causes of...

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Grief is often complicated by a variety of issues. One of these that I see on almost a daily basis is that of forgiveness, or rather, unforgiveness. To hold back one’s forgiveness for someone’s shortcomings is a sin that will keep us out of the presence of God. Jesus said so plainly in The Lord’s Prayer, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:9). Jesus’ forgiving power is...

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Your Pastor’s Secret Desires, Revealed!

Your Pastor’s Secret Desires, Revealed!

So, you are a devoted saint in your local church, and support your pastor. You give happily into the church of your time and finances, and don’t cause any trouble. But still, there are a few things your pastor wishes some knew that would make his job easier and more enjoyable. If only they knew what they were! And as a pastor myself, I’m about to reveal a few of those valuable secrets to you! Interested? First of all, let it be...

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Couples Who Pray Together

Couples Who Pray Together

You have probably heard the old adage, “couples who pray together stay together.” You may be pleased to discover that this expression is more than just popular wisdom. Research studies have verified what Bible believing, God fearing people have understood for ages. Married couples who pray, study scripture, attend church, and otherwise jointly participate in spiritual activities really do enjoy significantly higher levels of...

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