How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

How Judging Makes You A Better Christian

Many people believe the Bible condemns judging others, but is this true? The Bible has much to say on this subject, and often in a positive light. Everyone Judges In a practical sense, we judge every day. Every one of us. Who decides if a rapist is wrong? A murderer? Is it wrong to make an informed judgment about whether a person should care for your children, have a key to your home, or be alone with your spouse? Is it wrong to judge...

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Grief is often complicated by a variety of issues. One of these that I see on almost a daily basis is that of forgiveness, or rather, unforgiveness. To hold back one’s forgiveness for someone’s shortcomings is a sin that will keep us out of the presence of God. Jesus said so plainly in The Lord’s Prayer, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” (Matthew 6:9). Jesus’ forgiving power is...

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Your Pastor’s Secret Desires, Revealed!

Your Pastor’s Secret Desires, Revealed!

So, you are a devoted saint in your local church, and support your pastor. You give happily into the church of your time and finances, and don’t cause any trouble. But still, there are a few things your pastor wishes some knew that would make his job easier and more enjoyable. If only they knew what they were! And as a pastor myself, I’m about to reveal a few of those valuable secrets to you! Interested? First of all, let it be...

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Our Wounds Must Be Cleansed

Our Wounds Must Be Cleansed

30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,Luke 10:30,33 The story above is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. We learn it in Sunday School at an early age. What...

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“Slap her…” – Their responses were perfect!

“Slap her…” – Their responses were perfect!

When these young boys agreed to a short social experiment, they weren’t aware of what questions would be asked… Their responses couldn’t be better!

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God Loves Apostolic Families

God Loves Apostolic Families

Perhaps one of the greatest plans instituted by God was the development of a structured unit of people where there is nurturing, love, companionship, training and support. This structure, given its common term, is called, “family”. And I happen to know that God loves Apostolic families. How can I be so confident? Read on. First of all, in Matthew 19, Jesus revealed to us that marriage was instituted by God. He said,...

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