Faith Promise Giving

When you donate money to your church, or through your church, how do you give? To be more clear, do you give through faith, or do you give through available means?

In 2 Corinthians chapter 8, Paul speaks to the church about the spirit of giving that was displayed by the churches in Macedonia. After explaining how they gave liberally to God, and to the work of the Lord, he instructed them in verse 7 to, “abound in this grace also.” Another translation says to, “also excel in this grace of giving.”

What spirit of giving was he referring to here? Paul stated in verse 3 that, “beyond their power they were willing of themselves” to give.

Usually, we’re all willing to give, but it takes *faith* to give beyond our own power. This type of giving is called, “Faith Promise” giving.

h3. What is Faith Promise Giving?

Faith Promise giving is something that is done above and beyond our normal giving to the church. It’s usually done in response to a specific need that is presented, such as Foreign or local missions, outreach or evangelism effort, or a charitable opportunity.

Faith Promise giving is prayerfully asking God how much we should give to a certain need, and then making a commitment to give it. Most often, what God instructs us to give will be more than we think we are personally able to contribute. That’s where faith steps in.

God will provide for whatever He asks of you. If God doesn’t provide it, you don’t have to give it. But when He does provide it, be sure to put it where it rightly belongs. Faith Promise is not to make you rich, but to bless the work of God!

h3. Why should I give Faith Promise offerings?

God uses this type of giving as a means to further the work of the Kingdom. We often pray, “God, bless us so we can give more.” but we are afraid to trust Him through the giving. Giving in faith allows God to not only answer our desire of being able to bless Him more, but it also increases our faith when He _does_ provide it.

Furthermore, we should give in excess because we’re instructed to in the Bible (2 Cor. 8:7). God expects us to trust Him enough to take care of us _and_ bless others through our giving.

h3. How will God provide the money?

God will find creative ways to amaze you! It may be through extra rebates that you didn’t expect, a raise in your salary at work, a special bonus from your employer, a “mysterious” check in the mail, extra dividends on an investment, etc.

I recently heard this story from a good friend of mine who pastors in Saginaw, Michigan.

bq. “A sister in the church made a very large faith promise during our Missions service, and she and her husband had no idea where it was going to come from. Later, they happened to take their car to a dealership to trade in for another, and were discouraged that the value of the car was lower than they hoped. After taking it to a second dealership, the salesman took the car for a test-drive. He was gone an unusually long time, and when he finally returned he told them that he was in an accident that totaled their car! The salesman then told them he would give them $2000 more than the totaled car’s trade-in value! God gave them their Faith Promise commitment!”

God will make a way for your Faith Promise giving, and He’ll usually use other people to do it through. The often quoted passage in Luke 6 says, _”Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, *shall men give into your bosom*. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”_

h3. When should I make a Faith Promise commitment?

Your church may have special times of the year where a Faith Promise offering will be requested. At this time, there will typically be a specific need brought before the congregation. This is a great time to try your faith in God.

But Faith Promise giving doesn’t have to be done on special occasions. God may just prompt you to extend yourself at times to give into His ministry. When He begins to talk to you, don’t just listen, but respond. The greatest blessings we give are those that are given in faith.

Author: Jay Jones

Jay is an author, veteran church planter, speaker, and the pastor of the Pentecostals of Kentwood. He's a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, pastor, and a ‘pretty good guy’. Jay is also an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church, where he currently serves as a Presbyter in West Michigan.

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