Accountability Questions for Couples

Accountability is perhaps one of the greatest methods of keeping your life on track. When you bring someone else into your life and submit yourselves to be accountable to them, you will greatly increase your success rate in many areas.

When it comes to couples, there is a built-in opportunity to help each other be the best we can be. Following are several questions you can use in your relationship to help get the most out of your life. Modify the questions if you wish, but schedule a day out of each week that you will review them with your partner.

1) Have we prayed together this week? as a couple? as a family?

2) Has there been romance in our relationship this week?

3) Has our snacking and soda intake been reasonable this week?

4) Have we spent daily individual time with the Lord? in the Word? in prayer?

5) Have we encouraged our children and each other this week? compliments?

6) Did we leave work on time today?

7) Did we spend time at home wisely?

8) Did we brighten someone?s day?

9) Did we exercise three times this week?

10) Did we spend time with God this week, not counting Sunday?

11) What are you reading? What is your Secondary readings? (Read to kids; Psalms/Proverbs over breakfast; Book at night; When is our family reading night?)

12) Have you made a positive emotional deposit with our kids and to each other?

13) Have you eaten properly today and drank enough water?

14) Have we had ample “couch time” this week? (Just nice, quiet time to sit together and talk and share.)

15) Have we made our schedule for this month?s social events?

16) Have we made an effort to schedule an evening or time with friends (at least twice a month), especially with friends we?ve lost touch with or don?t frequently see?

17) Have you scheduled one social event with a friend away from family this month?

18) Have you spent quality alone time socially with our children?

19) Have you “lost it” with your family this week?

20) Have you spent beyond your budget?

21) Have you attempted to feed your family in a nutritious manner on a daily basis (sit down meal with whole family)?

22) Has anything upset you in the last week that I should know about?

23) What are your expectations for this week?

24) Have we chosen to speak “wholesome words” and be a role model for our family, church and community?

25) What kind of “quality and quantity” time have we had together as a couple and with our children?

26) What is our top “issue or problem” for this month?

27) Are we purposefully filling our mind with the knowledge of God?s word?knowledge we can give away to others?

28) What has God been saying to you this week?

29) Does your body belong to God, to be groomed, cared for disciplined for maximum usefulness and His glory (including water intake, sleep, exercise, nutrition, sex, manicure, facial, pedicure, floss, potassium)?

30) Are we nurturing love to others?thinking, speaking and acting toward them as Christ would? (spouse, children, friends, family).

31) Who are we going to have over this week? Write a note to? Make a phone call to?

32) Are we spending and accounting for the money God has given us as good stewards? Are we giving cheerfully to God?s work?

33) Are we anxious about anything? How can I help you? Share a success or something that added to your joy this week.

34) Have you removed something from your procrastination list? What?

35) Did you do something this week that you wanted which was fun and made you laugh?

36) What do you have planned for the coming week?

37) When is our next date night?

38) What did you wish for that came true this week?

39) What surprised you this week?

40) Although it requires energy and creativity, have we taken advantage of every ?teachable moment? with our children?

41) Have we responded appropriately to people who have approached us with a need? (really listening for understanding, not just the ?sympathetic nod?, and not overlooking the opportunities to witness?

42) Did you get your 5 second kiss/hug today?

43) Did you give the kids a 5 second hug?

(questions gleaned from “Character that Counts” study)

Author: Jay Jones

Jay is an author, veteran church planter, speaker, and the pastor of the Pentecostals of Kentwood. He's a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, pastor, and a ‘pretty good guy’. Jay is also an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church, where he currently serves as a Presbyter in West Michigan.

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