I recently began to think how the effects of hurricanes can influence people’s lives. Sometimes there’s major destruction, sometimes there is minor, or before it even hits land, the hurricane may lose all its force.
When people know there’s a hurricane coming their way, they are trying to listen for the appropriate voice to know what measures they need to take; whether it is by radio, television, Internet, telephone, or through a mutual contact, they are listening for that voice.
Often times, when situations arise beyond our control, we’re just like Elijah was in 1 Kings 19. We tend to get stressed, frustrated, worried, grouchy, or confused. We don’t know which way to turn. We try to be faithful to God, only to become more discouraged. It’s through these times that God waits on us, so He can allow us to see what we are going to do. These circumstances are useful in exposing how mature we are in our Christian walk.
We may be looking for some magnificent sign from God. We may be asking God, “Where are you? I need a sign!” Even in Elijah’s situation, he was wondering where God was. So God allowed Elijah to see His magnificent handiwork. God didn’t answer Elijah’s complaint, but instead told him to go stand on the mountain and watch.
God will sometimes have us stand “out on the mount” and allow things to come our way just as He passed by Elijah. God allowed him to experience a great, strong wind, then an earthquake, and then a fire. It was after the fire that there was a still small voice.
We may not feel ready or even willing to experience what God is wanting to do in our lives. So, sometimes He allows the storms to come just to get our attention. When storms come our way, and our focus is on Him, God can approach us with that still small voice and lead us into His will.
So don’t give up when the winds blow and the elements are coming against you. Be willing to wait out the storm in order to hear the Voice.
Denise Lee attends Apostolic Lighthouse Church in Aiken, SC. She and her husband, Rev. Dwayne Lee are involved in the ministry under their pastor Rev. Ray Cole.