Don’t miss the wrapping!

As the Christmas season comes, and we tear quickly into the gifts given, it’s easy to rush past the wrapper they’re contained in. But in our haste to experience the benefits and blessings, we can often do the same with Jesus.

Just imagine… Jesus, the greatest gift ever given, was God wrapped in flesh! In Genesis 1:26, God made man in His own image, but in Luke 2:7, God came to earth in the image of man! He could have chosen a powerful display of lightning and thunder or a majestic demonstration as with the creation of the stars, but he chose instead the form of human flesh.

He chose this wrapping to experience the hurt, disappointments, and betrayal that we’ve all felt. Aren’t you thankful that he is no stranger to our struggles? And even more, He came also to give his sinless life as a sacrifice for our sins! What love was shown in the wrapping!

“…he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2:7

Thank you, Jesus, for the wrapping! Because you understand our struggles, we can confidently come before your throne of grace and find help in our time of need! (Hebrews 4:16)

Photo by Ravi_Shah

Author: Jay Jones

Jay is an author, veteran church planter, speaker, and the pastor of the Pentecostals of Kentwood. He's a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, pastor, and a ‘pretty good guy’. Jay is also an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church, where he currently serves as a Presbyter in West Michigan.

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