The new year is here… resolution and promises are made, and hopefully you’ll at least keep a few of them alive. But how are your financial goals doing?
In the midst of all the chaos life brings, it’s still important to keep your expectations high regarding your money. Here are 5 great tips to achieve those financial goals for yourself and your family.
Set goals that are realistic and specific.
When looking at your financial future, be careful not to set unrealistic goals for yourself… otherwise, you’ll quickly get discouraged and drop the ball. Let’s say you’re making $35,000 a year, and you want to increase your income to $70,000. It would be unrealistic to try and accomplish that goal within a year. Instead, try setting the ultimate goal further out and working your way toward it in smaller, more realistic goals. Set your goal at increasing your income by $7,000 per year over the next 5 years.
In addition, you need to be specific about your goals. Will your goal require you to get a better education? Is there someone who can mentor you in reaching your goal? Can you speak to a manager or supervisor at your job and ask them to help you reach your goal?
Whatever you decide, make sure you write it down. un-spoken goals are intangible. Give yourself something to hold onto.
Have fun with your goals!
If you go into a goal with an attitude of defeat, you can count on failing. Attitude is everything! Be creative and fun with your financial goals… get the whole family involved thinking of creative ways to get ahead.
Keep a Journal of your success journey
One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to chronicle your successes and failures. The entire Bible is a journal of what went right, what went wrong, and how to overcome and avoid pitfalls. By keeping track of your journey, you can do the same!
Visualize your goal
Get a clear mental picture of what financial success looks like to you. The Declaration of Independence wasn’t just a slip of paper… it was a vision of freedom. The authors wrote it with conviction, and used it as a clear visionary statement of what their future would become. Keep looking at your vision of success throughout the day, week and months to stay focused.
Reward yourself
At the end of the year, have a reward in mind for living below your financial means. Use some of your savings as a bonus for good behavior. If your prudent, you’ll be able to afford a great celebration for your success.
Best wishes!